Friday, May 26, 2006


Absolutely fantastic! This movie is great. Make sure you take some time to see it this weekend. And when you do make sure you wait until after the me you will not regret it. Anyways, Jess and I enjoyed this movie and I hope that you all will too.

Jessica wants to buy Leo a toothbrush. I'd like to hear your opinion on a dog toothbrush. Is it silly or a great invention? I just don't think it's going to make his breath smell any better!


Justin and Bethany said...

Awesome. Bethany and I are going to see it with the fam tomorrow. Can't wait.

This is how I see it. said...'re not going to see it with the "FAM" cuz i won't be the family isn't complete justin. Oh anyway the dog toothbrush is a good idea i heard it's healthy for the dogs teeth to be brushed and what not.

Katelyn said...

well, i'm part of the "fam" cuz i be goin!! yayah!! x-men, here i come fo' real.

Katelyn said...

dude this movie is sweet!! i approve it so u know it's gotta be good.

mooma said...

I would like to know if there is a difference between people and dog toothbrushes - probably just the price. I would try an inexpensive, lowly human toothbrush first, then move on up (like the Jeffersons)to the deluxe model -- Sheryl