Tuesday, May 02, 2006

One more thing

One more thing....can anyone out there tell me why oh why did Kaharine McPhee feel the need to sing her entire song on her knees? Freaky. (Although not freaky enough for Jeremy who is voting for her right now.)


This is how I see it. said...

She had to sing the whole song on her knees because i guess she thought it was like "sexy"..i thought it was creepy. She always does retarded stuff and she's still there for some reason. Oh yea that song was retarded too. I couldn't pay attention to her because i was laughing at how retarded the song was.

This is how I see it. said...

She had to sing the whole song on her knees because i guess she thought it was like "sexy"..i thought it was creepy. She always does retarded stuff and she's still there for some reason. Oh yea that song was retarded too. I couldn't pay attention to her because i was laughing at how retarded the song was.

Jess said...

Woo-hoo! Congrats on your few seconds of fame and the fabulous prizes. :)

We missed the Idol stuff (ANTM was on), but I'm sure "McKatharine McMcPhee" wasn't able to measure up to the coolness of Chris.

- Jessie

Tim said...

We want Jeremy!! Ok, Tim does. Bring back the Pacers and the Colts news. We don't get enough out here.

mooma said...

All I know is that now that Paris is gone, Katharine is next to go and we will end up with a whole guy Idol theme. As far as her knee performance went, I guess the camera was getting enough of her cleavage shots when she was standing, so she decided to make it a little more obvious - like that really necessary - All I can say is I unlike Jeremy do not have Kat-scratch fever, however I think Chris will be the idol this year -- I guess we'll see - Sheryl