Friday, May 12, 2006

Police are Our Friends!

Ok class, what do you do if you see one of these cars driving on the interstate? That's right class, you freak out, merge into the left lane, slow down 10 miles UNDER the speed limit, and then hands at 10 and 2! Evidently, that's what some folks think in Cincinnati. Today, on my way to Good Sam, I came across a Cincinnati Cruiser going about 60 mph. So, everyone in the left lane thought they should slow down to 55, so that they don't pass him. Just in case any of my readers are confused, policemen and women are our friends. They will not pull you over for passing them in the left lane going the speed limit. If their lights are on or if they have someone pulled over, you are supposed to slow down, but not if they are going for a little stroll on their way to Dunkin Donuts in North Bend. Actually, they are SUPPOSED to pull you over for dinking around in the left lane! And I wish he would have done just that to the idiot van in front of me. Ok, I feel better, but I need a commitment from all of my fellow bloggers that you will do the right thing and maintain a constant conservative speed and pass good ole me this is for the betterment of society.




Justin and Bethany said...

What is "dinking around?" I have never heard that phrase before in my entire life. And that's pretty bad since I lived most of it with a woman (my mother) who is like the queen of obscure sayings (for example, "rough row to hoe"). If anybody else understands this please let me know. Jeremy probably just made it up.

Jeremy said...

"Dinking around" would be cross between "fooling around" and "taking your time." Do you really have to critique everything I say? Jerk.

Katelyn said...

yeah, i'll be sure to drive right cuz that's what i do, drive oh, and you're all kinds of special!!

Justin and Bethany said...

Dude, I was just wondering. Bethany didn't know either. Man, you're a cranky blogger. Don't bring that negative energy into my house. I'm going to go set the MAGICAL BLOG content blocker level to block out meany-faced, cranky-pants Jeremys.

mooma said...

Jeremy and Justin - this is the obscure, Queen lady telling you both to behave yourselves or I will have to "smack you both into the middle of next week". And Jeremy, yes, he does have to critique everything you and everyone says because he learned well from the master -- also he is going to be a Teacher and we need someone in society to help those who need it -- Sheryl