Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Oops, we did it again

O.K. So here is how it all happened....Leo in his massive amounts of fur was starting to leave tumbleweed like hair balls around the house so I (Jessica) thought that it would be wise to TRIM him. Just trim him, because I think you all remember the tragedy of shaving him last April. So our friends Karen and Byron had just bought these special dog trimmers for their dogs and had done a nice job of grooming them themselves. Byron thought that he could get the job done as to what I was looking for. I just wanted Leo trimmed to about two inches of hair so he didn't look like a giant white racoon again. So Karen and Byron came over and got started. The problem was that Leo's hair was so thick that none of the razor guards would work on him. So they started trying different length guards and before we knew what happened he had a giant strip completely shaved on his leg. Jeremy and Byron thought that they could just fade it in. Karen and I knew that all was lost and we just needed to shave him completely. Also his undercoat had started to mat to his skin b/c of his massive amounts of fur. Soooo, this is the end result..... Pretty sad but you know, it's just'll grow back....right?? He doesn't look that terrible....does he???


This is how I see it. said...

poor dog. he looks like he's trying to make a fashion statement by wearing leg warmers..His face is still adorable so if someone sees him coming straight at them they'll think "aww cute dog" but when he turns to the side they are going to want to know how long he's been doing chemo. it is just hair though. it'll grow back. maybe Jeremy should shave his head bald so leo won't be the only one that looks special.

Justin and Bethany said...

Bethany says that he looks like Aslan the lion right before they are ready to kill him in "Narnia." I think he looks like an uncooked turkey. Bethany said that next time you need to send us the bill and take the dog to a real groomer. Poor Leo. I'm going to call the ASPCA on you inhumane.

Jeremy and Jessica said...

I thought he looked like an uncooked turkey too!!