Friday, July 21, 2006

The Human Taco

In case you haven't seen it Chrissy has a great pic on her blog. Check it out! The kids from VBS gave over 200 dollars towards missions and AJ and I became human tacos...salsa, refried beans, and chips!

Jess is in West Virginia this weekend visiting her family, AND I'M ALREADY BORED! Actually, I have a ton of stuff to do: cleaning, laundry, and school work...but I don't want to do any of it. Oh well. What's up with Fox Sports not showing any Reds games this weekend? Do they not know I don't have anything else to do? What in the world?!?!

Anyways, I'm going to get back to watching sportscenter. You all have a fabulous weekend.


Darlene's Gang said...

Better for Jessica that your beans were on the outside instead of the inside! LOL!

Darlene's Gang said...

I'd love to see more of you guys too!
I will say that as happy as I was to be home with my family it was hard to leave the area of my childhood and my new friends!