Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Leo loves to eat

Yesterday morning I was eating breakfast and thought it was strange that Leo wasn't at my feet begging for a bite like he normally does. I did hear him behind the couch chewing on his bone like a good dog. Or at least I thought it was his was actually the kitty toy. We had a toy for Belle that was made up of feathers on the end of a plastic stick. Leo put away almost the whole thing. I was kind of concerned so I called Jeremy who obviously loves Leo so very much. Jeremy said not to worry b/c if he died from it we would just get a better dog. I'm still hoping he was kidding. Leo seemed fine so I decided to just keep an eye on him. Later that evening we saw our landlord who is also a vet and I told him about the situation. He said that Leo would probably be fine and that all the stuff he ate would just "pass on through". He suggested feeding him a lot of something bland like plain pasta or rice to help the process along. So I came home and cooked Leo a pot of rice. At first I wasn't sure if he would want to eat all of it, boy was I wrong....

As you can see he totally loved it and didn't leave a single grain in his bowl.After he was finished he seemed pretty happy. I took this right after he was done, I think he looks so cute and happy under the tree beside all the presents. I love my dog.


Mike&Michele said...

Leo so cute. Michael liked the picture of Leo too!

Unknown said...

Leo is my best friend...