Friday, April 21, 2006

Work, stress, the mall and flowers

So I know this may be boring to some of you but I need to vent about my day. My job stresses me out!!! People are mean and I got semi-yelled at twice! And both times were NOT MY FAULT!!! (And I'm not just saying that either, they really weren't). ARRRGGHH!!! It got so bad that I had to shut the door to my office and cry. I'm such a baby! So, my day just got worse and worse and then I ended up working late, go figure.
Then for my own personal therapy, I decided to go to the mall (Jeremy is out of town tonight) and I went to my favorite place...New York and Co. And I found some cool stuff and that made me happy.
Then I went to Lowes to buy more flowers b/c we only have like two left in our flower garden. I was still in my work clothes and it had just rained so everything was dirty and wet. So I looked pretty ridiculous considering that I was wandering around in circles not sure what to buy and I was up digging through the dirt and stuff to find the right flowers. I also had a freakishly small cart and couldn't squeeze everything in it. Then I got this guy that worked there to help me pick out the right size of potting soil for my ginormous pot that I was getting for the porch and it was so big that I couldn't lift it out of the cart into the car! I looked so stupid and the guy saw me and had to come out to the parking lot and help. On top of all of this chaos I managed to spend $67 on flowers and stuff for the stinkin yard!!!
So then I called muy friend Tiffany and she made me feel better about my roller coaster stressful day. She's awesome and she always knows how to make me feel better.
So you would think that things would be quiet since Jeremy is gone (he is helping his sister move) but I still can't shut my mind off about work. How do you do that when you do what I do for a living? Does anyone know? Sometimes I get so frustrated with where I work b/c juggling these cases and all of the programs they are involved in gets in the way of real therapy and that just wears me down. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. Pics to come at our latest attempt at gardening!

1 comment:

Justin and Bethany said...

What would Justin do? Just punch those people in the face. For more advice and a free brochure, visit