Thursday, June 12, 2008

A New Journey

Recently, I (Jeremy) have been involved in a pretty intense Bible Study. In this Bible Study, we've been studying about drawing our hearts closer to God. I've learned that everyone has wounds that go deep to the heart. Some have wounds that are small and some are big. Anyways, I've been asking God to reveal to me wounds in my heart that keep me from drawing close to Him. I believe that He's telling me that I have unforgiveness in my heart. Now, before you think I've gone crazy or having an emotional breakdown, remember that this is a blog and its hard to put into words this journey. I'm talking about the journey that God takes all of us on towards spiritual growth and maturity.

My journey starts with forgiveness. I decided to start reading a book on the subject and I came across a wonderful book by Brian Jones: Getting Rid of the Gorilla. If you have ever struggled with unforgiveness, this is a great read. Anyways, I'm going to post a few blogs here and there that will share with you some of the highlights of my journey towards forgiveness.

Two days ago, he opened by eyes towards a passage of scripture in which I've always struggled. Jesus says in Matthew 6:14-15, "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." Jones also struggled with this passage and couldn't understand the meaning behind it. How could God really not forgive someone who doesn't forgive? I mean, I understand if you cut me off in traffic and I don't forgive, how this could apply. But, what about the father who's daughter was molested? What about wife who lost her husband to a drunk driver? How can we expect them to forgive?

Jones found some relief as he really dug into the Greek. Aphiemi is the Greek word here that as a verb is translated "to forgive." He found out that there are 142 instances in the New Testament. 45 of those instances the writer uses it to describe the sense of releasing something closely held or trapped. If you think about it, forgiveness is nothing more then releasing. If you owe me 5 bucks, I have the option to release (or forgive) you of that debt. Jesus Christ died to release or free us from the penalty of death. Now read that passage using the word "release."

I believe the reason God does not "forgive" us when we don't "forgive" others, is because until we release others, we ourselves are held captive by bitterness, rage, hate, and all other sorts of sins. Jesus is saying, release others so that you can be released as well. I'm working towards releasing people who have caused me pain in my life. Do you know someone who needs to be released as well? Ask God to reveal that person to you, so that you aren't held captive by your unforgiveness.

Sorry for the long post and horrible grammar. I'll do better next time and it'll be shorter...especially since I won't need to explain why I'm writing.


Michele said...

wow this really spoke to me, I just went through something last week, with a family member, that was very tough, and I was so not going to speak to them again or forgive them, for words they used about a person who just passed away out of jealousy, its a very long story, and today after reading this I answered there phone call and have forgiven them and they also said they were sorry.
Very good post.

Becky said...

How do you always know exactly what I struggle with? Stalker!