Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Fact: A Senior Program Counselor has bigger super powers than a regular program counselor

Today in Orientation there was a guy that looked, talked, and acted like...you guessed it...Dwight K. Schrute and not on purpose either. When he saw a paper w/his name and job title he was upset b/c it said "Program Counselor" not "Senior Program Counselor" (neither title makes a bit of difference in reference to the other one as far as job duties go). He opened his phone on the break and started saying commands into it just like Dwight would. "Mailbox! Mailbox! Maaaiiilllllllbbooooxx!" And everytime I got up to go out the door or throw something away he would stand up and jump in front of me so he could go out first. I felt just like Pam in the first episode where Jim is gone and she is looking at Ryan to make fun of Michael with her and he just looks at her like she's crazy. That's exactly what happened!! No one else got it!!! There was also a girl who kept asking people what their credentials were. She even asked one of the presenters when they paused to ask if there were any questions about the subject matter! There was also a very confused woman who didn't know her job title, job description, who her actual supervisor was and I'm pretty sure she was even confused over which location she is working at. I was about to lose my mind so I started drawing pictures of everyone and their sayings. Too bad we don't have a scanner. The past two years have really made me question a lot of people in the mental health field. Wait...what does that say about me???
P.S. Seriously - he even LOOKS JUST LIKE HIM!!!


Katelyn said...


Anonymous said...

that is the weirdest thing ever. i would either run away or laugh very hard every time i see him.

mooma said...

It is only right that since you live with Jeremy that you would have someone like Dwight in your life.

meandmythoughts said...

sweet! i love it! now, have fun putting his desk stuff in jello, get ready to send faxes to "future Dwight", buy a bobblehead doll, test the "Pavlov's dog" theory with altoids, refer to him as "hero", call him "the ASSISTANT TO THE Program Counselor", and so on...gosh, does this make me obsessed with The Office!?!?! Again, be like Jim, and enjoy having fun with this dude's mind!

Jeremy and Jessica said...

Matt that was awesome!

meandmythoughts said...

don't forget to dress and talk just like him! (The things we learn to do by watching TV!)