Saturday, August 02, 2008

No Pictures For You!

Well this week has been a lot busier then our blog suggests. We just can't show you any pictures of the progress. Byron has spent most of the week under the house putting in new pipe to replace the old cast iron and then installing the new plumbing for the addition. We also had new duct work installed in the attic for the HVAC and will get our new heating air unit Monday! Next week begins with a very important inspection, then electric, and hopefully we'll be dry-walled by the end of the week! We'll definitely have pics by then...but until then please picture in your mind what our plumbing looks like...on second thought...that's just gross.

Jessica and I had a garage sale today. We made $93 dollars. Poor Becky only made $4 and paid $6 for her lunch! Then we had two car loads and a truck load of stuff to haul off to the goodwill. Thanks Frances and Becky for the help!

Well, we have a birthday party to get blog at you later...

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