I've had a lot of people ask me this past week if Peyton Manning is married. The answer is yes. He married Ashley Thompson who he met his freshman year at UT. They've been married since March of 2001. I know, I'm a dork. Jess and I were watching the news here in Knoxville and evidently the outfit she wore to the Super Bowl was bought right here in Knoxville. Fun times.
As a side note. It's 45 degrees outside and sunny. I hate snow and am so glad that I don't have to drive/shovel/freeze anymore. The snow here lasts for about an hour and then melts away.
So, we found out that it would be cheaper for us to travel England then to go to Disney World. How weird is that? Not that we are planning a trip or anything...except to our summer home in beautiful West Harrison Indiana. Fun times.
That's all for now. Have a nice day.
hmm...i havent commented in FOREVER!! hope you guys are doing good....no....great...yeah.
I am so glad you cleared that up. He NEVER mentions her. At least not in the 10-15 interviews I've heard in the past 2 months.
What about the rumor 1 year ago of divorce????
I thought I saw her at the Super Bowl Sunday.
Any news of children???
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